A Very Astute Mailbox Parcel

Don’t drop the Clutch and keep on reading to find out what just came in the mail.

Clutch with VAMP.

To be honest, I never really liked the angular shape of the VAMP. I didn’t have it in the original O-ring (3.75”) line until I got one of those Funskool models a few years ago. In the larger Classified scale though, it looks better.

What’s in the box?

The VAMP comes with a machine gun emplacement at the back, 2 extra gas tanks, a fire extinguisher, an axe, a shovel, a gun, a bigger gun,2 helmets, a wrench and a Clutch.

Plastic man encased in plastic

Clutch is beautifully painted in green and brown colors. It really gives the good military vibes and with all the accessories, it truly is a nice figure. His colors and deco are a true testament to the original figure.

A manly man with a wrench.

That’s all for now. See you back again soon for new figures or paraphernalia. Until then, Happy Collecting and YoJoe!

Semper Fidelis Serpens

Today the mailman came to my door again with a lovely package from Hasbro. This time around I received the Cobra H.I.S.S. Techno Viper with the H.M.S.

The box

The Techno-Viper comes in the H.I.S.S. tank color scheme and has several accessories, like a backpack, handgun, rifle and a remote control for the HM of the HMS. The HMS has 3 big missiles, legs that can be raised so it can be towed by the H.I.S.S. and a wheel on the back so it can be turned more easily.

The back of the box

Everywhere on the box, the new Cobra H.I.S.S. logo is featured prominently. I have to say that I do like it. It’s simple, but elegant and reflects the H.I.S.S. tank in the shape of the Cobra depicted. The art on the side of the box shows the Techno-Viper close-up and is – as with all the art of the Classified Series really – stunningly beautiful. Let’s hope somebody will be collecting these masterpieces into a little book someday – here’s looking at you 3DJoes :-)!

The side art and 111 number

Also on the box is the Semper Fidelis Serpent emblem. This one is not really printed on, it’s more of an embossed print, it pops up from the cardboard. Not sure if you can see it in the picture, but if you have felt it yourself, you know what I’m talking about.

Semper Fidelis Serpens

That’s all for now. See you back soon with new updates on the collection. Until then… Happy Collecting and YoJoe! (Or Hail Cobra! Or Semper Fidelis Serpens!)

Is there a doctor among the readers?

First of all, let me wish you and your friends & family my best wishes for the new year. Let’s hope it brings us more G.I. Joe (I’d really like to see a new cartoon) and more collecting fun.

It’s been a while since I posted something, but I’ve been having some health issues, nothing major, but lots of annoying little things that kept me from being creative to be honest. 2023 has been a good year for the site, we’ve been getting more visitors and interaction than the years before, so the growth is real 🙂 Thank you all for your time and interest. The G.I. Joe community truly is a warm and inclusive group of people.

I was originally going to continue this post with some pictures of the Classified Dr. Mindbender (Deluxe figure) I received a while back, but then I realized that I’d put all my figures in storage already, so there will be no pictures 🙁 It wasn’t just everyone’s favorite orthodontist I received and put in storage, but also Serpentor, Wolf Spider, Scrap-Iron, Snow Serpent, Grunt, the Python Patrol Trubble Bubble, Tripwire, Mole Rat and the Steel Corps Troopers. More on this below.

Frequent readers will know that my entire collection is in storage since we moved house in 2018. The plan was to make 2 rooms in the attic, one for my daughter and one for my collection. We had to give priority to other things in the renovation of the house and my health issues played a big part in the lack of progress for the attic. This year however, I’m determined to continue the work on the attic and to be able to put my collection back in our house and back on the shelves rather than being boxed up in storage.

Keep on coming back to get updates and naturally, I’ll be posting some more of the new toys that eventually make their way over into my collection. Some big ones should be coming soon, and there’s also a small book on the way with some artwork… Keep you posted!

Until next time, YoJoe and Happy Collecting!

Read this post! This I COMMAND!

Well, if you haven’t guessed what this post is going to be about by reading that title, then I truly don’t know what you’re doing here. All kidding aside, thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to go through my ramblings about G.I. Joe. Feel free to drop a like on the socials or a comment here.

This post is all about Serpentor, more specifically the # 57 figure of the Classified Series, and his Air Chariot. It finally arrived here (my pre-order was made way back in September 2022!) and I have to say it’s a big boy box.

Serpentor & Air Chariot

No image of the actual figure and vehicle on the back of the box this time, but a really nice piece of artwork covering a lot of the Serpentor lore in G.I Joe history.


As I mentioned before, my pre-order was made in September 2022 and I honestly feared that I would be getting a mail from Pulse saying that they had to cancel my order. I’ve seen multiple people online posting such an email and since it was taking so long I thought it was going to happen to me too. I still have nightmares about that time my Snake-Eyes order was canceled by Zavvi. Luckily this didn’t happen this time around and I am really glad to add this set (a figure and a vehicle can be called a set, right?) to my collection.

Along with the Emperor, I also ordered a certain orthodontist. More about that soon. For now…

Happy Collecting an YoJoe

The Eel has stranded

From what I’ve been reading and hearing it’s been quite difficult for some of the US collectors to find the Classified Series Cobra Eel. I was able to order one from Amazon(.com) when they popped up and it finally arrived here.

Cobra Eel

Whilst it was just recently announced that the EU Hasbro Pulse store will be shipping to Belgium (just in time to back the Dragonfly), this figure was not yet available and so I had to check the .com site of Amazon when they were announced. I was lucky enough to be able to order one and for around $45, it was delivered in a very clean box. It would seem that Amazon takes better care of their international shipped products than they do for domestically ones if I look at some of the horror packages some of the US collectors received.

The figure

The figure itself is a nice callback to the original O-ring figure with it’s red, grey and black colors.

Box art

As has been the case with so many of the Classified Series figures, the box art is on point yet again. We get a close up of a very mean looking Eel. I must say that I’m still in doubt about the new plastic free packaging. On the one hand, it’s a shame you don’t get to see the figure and the accessories when you look at the box, on the other hand, the box art does look great and really gets all the attention. I also like the smaller footprint of the boxes.

That’s all for now, keep following me on the socials and here because more is coming (sooner than later it would seem).

Happy Collecting and YoJoe!

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