Occasionally, I come across something special related to G.I. Joe. It could be a vinyl record (see here and here), the Larry Hama 3.75″ figure (see here) or the Knockaround sunglasses (see here and here). This time around though, I found a collectible figure of Scarlett, more like a statue than an actual action figure.

The box itself doesn’t quite give away how the figure looks like, but you can see that it will be different from the action figures we all know and love. Let’s open the box and see just how she looks!

Dressed in her iconic yellow and grey, the figure does immediately pop out for other reasons. The big eyes and head, the muscular thighs and the very small feet. This really does look like an anime figure from Japan more than a Real American Hero. The figure is fixed on a black base (the small feet wouldn’t support her otherwise) depicting the classic G.I. Joe logo.
The figure is nicely detailed with her throwing stars on her left sleeve, a knife in a side pouch, zippers on the suit, pockets on her other leg and a slingshot on her buttocks. I had to take a close-up of that.

Another nice detail is in her right hand, the classic Scarlett crossbow. As accurate as ever with her shots, though she is playing Cupid in this instance…

That’s it for now. I hope to be back soon with more exciting additions to the collection.
Happy Collecting and YoJoe!