Yes, SDCC is going on far, far away across the ocean and very likely some really cool stuff is being shown there, but I’m not there. No, I’m here in Europe and we were being treated a bit poorly by Hasbro when it came to G.I. Joe over the last years. I said ‘were’, because just last week, they decided to open up the EU Hasbro Pulse to all 27 countries.

This means that I no longer need to use a German proxy service to get my plastic crack. I can just place an order and get it delivered to my home address for a reasonable price straight from Hasbro.
Now, for some really weird reason, I got a refund from Hasbro on the Arctic B.A.T., claiming they had no stock, but the figure itself was still available on the site to order. So, I went ahead and placed my first order to deliver directly to my home.

It actually got delivered in 2 days, so no complaints here. The packaging was decent, not to much padding, but these all-cardboard boxes need less protection I guess.

The figure comes with quite a good set of accessories. I personally really like the blade to cut the ice and the interchangeable chest plates. The gun isn’t necessary if you ask me, but that rifle sure is very nice. Talking about nice (yes, I’m a big child), check out the number on this bad boy…

Naturally we need to discuss the artwork on the box. It’s looking very nice as usual. The B.A.T. is looking very menacing with his central viewing lens (I can’t really call it an eye, can I?). The gun does match the one he has in the box, but I’m still not convinced this is the best weapon for an android trooper.

That’s it for now. There are still some orders I placed with EU Pulse when they didn’t ship to Belgium and whilst they are not yet sent, I can’t change the shipping address on those orders, so I guess I’m still going to have to cover the additional costs to ship them here. Keep an eye on on the socials and this site, because for some reason, it would appear that a lot of those pre-order figures have been prepped for shipment all at once. See you soon.
Until then, Happy Collecting and YoJoe!