I incidentally channeled my inner Bob Ross and had a happy little accident on eBay. I was still missing 3 figures from the Classified figures, namely, The -00- Snake Eyes, The Baroness with C.O.I.L cycle and the Cobra Trooper. This last one seemed like the easiest one to find, so I started looking online to score one for a reasonable price. I actually found 2 on eBay that were fairly priced and so I placed a bid on both hoping that I could win one of them. And then this happened…

Yes, I won both. I guess I’m an army builder now. I was hoping that they might be variants, there appear to be figures with a black collar and then others with a blue collar, but alas, both have blue collars. I can’t really complain, at least I was able to find one. Ok, two.

The box art is again quite superb, and the trooper does like very menacing. The black, the blue and the orange hue in the background really do blend well together. And there is a H.I.S.S tank there, could it be?

I guess you could call this a win-win, but still, they weren’t exactly cheap, so I may end up selling one. This could help me save up and one day pick up a Baroness or Snake Eyes… For now, I’ll just keep on admiring my army of 2.
Until next time! Happy Collecting and YoJoe!