Today the mailman came to my door again with a lovely package from Hasbro. This time around I received the Cobra H.I.S.S. Techno Viper with the H.M.S.

The Techno-Viper comes in the H.I.S.S. tank color scheme and has several accessories, like a backpack, handgun, rifle and a remote control for the HM of the HMS. The HMS has 3 big missiles, legs that can be raised so it can be towed by the H.I.S.S. and a wheel on the back so it can be turned more easily.

Everywhere on the box, the new Cobra H.I.S.S. logo is featured prominently. I have to say that I do like it. It’s simple, but elegant and reflects the H.I.S.S. tank in the shape of the Cobra depicted. The art on the side of the box shows the Techno-Viper close-up and is – as with all the art of the Classified Series really – stunningly beautiful. Let’s hope somebody will be collecting these masterpieces into a little book someday – here’s looking at you 3DJoes :-)!

Also on the box is the Semper Fidelis Serpent emblem. This one is not really printed on, it’s more of an embossed print, it pops up from the cardboard. Not sure if you can see it in the picture, but if you have felt it yourself, you know what I’m talking about.

That’s all for now. See you back soon with new updates on the collection. Until then… Happy Collecting and YoJoe! (Or Hail Cobra! Or Semper Fidelis Serpens!)