A few posts back (see here), I talked about finding a French Trade Paperback from Vestron that celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Marvel G.I. Joe comic books. In it were some advertisements for other TPB’s they were going to release. I tracked them down and here they are.

The first book in the series contains the Marvel issues 123 (Shots in the dark), 124 (Triptych), 125 (Diptych) & 126 (Firefly!). After that story arc, they print issue 127 (Playing with the big boys) and parts of issues 128 & 129 (Winds of Change & Standoff!)

The cover art for this TPB is inspired on the original art for issue #123, but they added a crosshairs in front of Cobra Commander’s head in sludge green.
Book 2 boasts the Ninja force and continues the continuity with issues #130 (Point and Counterpoint), #131 (Last Stand), #132 (Bump in the Night), #133 (Recon by Fire) & #134 (Throwdown in the Citadel). In the back of the book, they now added the original covers as well.

The cover art looks familiar, but I can’t recall where I’ve seen it before. If you know, let me know and I’ll put it up here. It’s depicting Storm Shadow sitting perched or jumping, sporting his camo G.I. Joe look.
UPDATE: I’ve received help from within the Joe Community on this one. The art comes from within issue #112. It was drawn by John Statema, inked by Randy Emberlin and colored by Bob Sharen. Thanks to Justin Taylor, Jeff Bohn, Gavin Regnaert and Rob S Foster for confirming this on Facebook. Special thanks to Rob Arts from G.I. Joe Nederland for reaching out and adding some extra information.
Next up is Tome 3 which jumps a few issues and features the Star Brigade. It tells the stories of issues #145 (Threads and Resolutions), #146 (Immovable Objects), #147 (Oblivion Express!) and #128 (Irresistable Forces).

For this TPB, they used the cover art of issue #146 without any modifications, aside from the addition of the Maximum Action Tome 3 and the change of the header.
Normally, I’d say that’s all. Not this time though. What is printed in the back of TPB 3? An announcement of Tome 4 of course! And as if that wasn’t enough, there’s also a mention of a Maximum Silence issue! In case you would wonder what that could be about, stay tuned because there may be a post about it in the not so distant future.

Now that’s really it for this time. See you again soon, until then, Happy Collecting and YoJoe!